Hampton Court House
An all-through, co-educational school set in beautiful parkland grounds in Richmond-upon-Thames
About the school
Hampton Court House is an all-through, co-educational school set in beautiful parkland grounds in Richmond-upon-Thames, London. The school offers an extraordinary education that lays the foundation of a lifelong love of learning and yields outstanding results including a 100% Oxbridge and Russell Group application success rate (A-levels 2023).
Ranked in the Top 50 UK independent schools by A Level results (The Telegraph, 2022)
100% Oxbridge application success rate (A Levels 2023)
Leading university destinations in the UK and overseas
Pupil staff ratio of 5:1
Over 50 co-curricular clubs on offer throughout the year
Volunteering and work placement opportunities
Located on a beautiful heritage parkland campus nestled in Bushy Park, Richmond-upon-Thames, Southwest London
Excellent transport links from across London and Surrey
Sixth form:
Small group tutorial-style teaching
EPQ programme
Leadership coaching
Gym membership included
10am start
1:1 University and careers guidance
School entry requirements:
Trial Day/Entrance Assessment, School Report (some candidates may be invited for interview)
Fees per annum: from £16,056 - £23,475
Sixth form entry requirements:
Minimum Grade 6 in English & Maths GCSEs; Grade 7 in any subjects being taken at A Level. For students wishing to take Further Maths at A Level, a Grade 8 in GCSE Maths is required.
Fees per annum: £23,475